The International Association of Non-Invasive mechanical ventilation (IANIV) is a unique and pioneering international association for the development of knowledge, academic and scientific dissemination in the application of all non-invasive respiratory support procedures, as well as those complementary techniques that allow a development of excellence and international quality.
Its base, multidisciplinary and with a wide diffusion in all the disciplines that involve its use, allows us to provide support. For this, our structure in Academy, College and School are the three essential elements for this mission. Its diversification into international networking groups and Assemblies (Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine, and Anaesthesiology, Respiratory Care and Bioengineers) allows for broad participation in numerous aspects of non-invasive mechanical ventilation and complementary techniques. In addition, for teaching and academic dissemination purposes we have a board of international experts. Our publications (book chapters, indexed articles, books dedicated to these objectives) are widely known in Google schoolar and Pubmed).
IANIV also participates in the first program to support the development and training in the practice of NIV in resource-limited countries with non-governmental organizations and hospitals in India and the Middle East.
IANIV participates in all the countries of Europe, Asia, China, India, Japan, USA, Canada and Latin America, through representative centres that allow us to participate, be present and support numerous health professionals.

IANIV Assemblies
- Pulmonary
- Critical Care
- Sleep Medicine
- Anesthesiology perioperative medicine
- Emergency
- Pediatric
- Neonatology
- Respiratory Technology Bioenginners
- Respiratory Therapy
- Nurse
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